Here is a list of helpful Info...

What are the opening times of The Show? The Show opens at 12.00pm and finishes at 5.00pm

Is there an entry charge? No, admission to The Show is completely free.

Is parking available? Yes, entry is through the Tennis Court entrance which is signposted from Mill Lane. Entry to the show is free, please use the car park and pay the modest £2 charge which helps support local causes.

Please bring cash as we have no facility for credit cards.

Please respect our neighbours by keeping off the grass verges and not obstructing roads in the village.

Are there disabled facilities? Yes, parking is available in the recreation ground car park for those with blue disabled badges. Disabled toilets are available in the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion. Please note the show takes place on the sports field so the ground is uneven.

Can I bring my dog? Yes, dogs on short leads are very welcome. There is a very popular Dog Show; entry is on the day and there is a small entry charge.

Are refreshments available? Yes, there is a bar in the Sports Pavilion, an ice cream van, a variety of food & drink stalls and tea & cakes. There is a delicious BBQ outside the Pavilion.

When is the Grand Raffle drawn? The raffle is drawn at 3.30pm outside the Show Info tent

What happens if it rains? Unless conditions are particularly bad, The Show will go ahead. Should we be forced to cancel, details will be posted on the website.

 Will photographs be taken at the show? Yes, we have official photographer(s) whose images may appear in the public domain